A Woodland Tour - Photo Guide to NatureCITE podcast #4

A Woodland Tour (April 17, 2020) by Justin Thomas Director of Science NatureCITE The following photos have been posted for folks listening to the NatureCITE podcast #4 (link here ) to follow along with. The photos aren't great, but by using the captions of each photo while listening to the descriptions on the podcast one should be able to better understand of the phenomena and lifeforms explained in the podcast. My travel companions. Looking downstream at the beginning of the tour. White flowers are Nothoscrodum bivalve (False Garlic) and Thalictrum thalictroides (Rue Anemone). Close up of the general ground flora in the photo above. In addition to Nothoscordum bivalve and Thalictrum thalictroides , there is Rubus enslenii , Parthenocissus quinquefolia , Agrimonia pubescens , et al. Photo of a leaf litter dominated slope taken from bottom - up. Though depauperate now, with time, as this forest matures, the flora is likely to increase in density, d...